Sunday, March 12, 2017


Hello everyone!

I would like to introduce myself and the topic of this blog. 
My name is Agata, I currently live in Copenhagen, where I study IT&Cognition as my Master's degree. English is not my native language, but I hope that it is not going to be an obstacle for those of you who are interested in what I have to say.  
The first thing you should know about me is that I am a baby scientist, which means that currently I am doing anything I can to enter the world of science for real. Amazingly, my fields of interests include technology and cognition, which happens to be exactly the thing that I study! 
In this blog, I am planning to share information about cognitive science and technology and how these two things can be combined. I was inspired to create it by a Polish contest (
Of course, I am not a great blog writer, so far I mostly wrote scientific articles, but I hope it is going to change! I would like to tell you something about what I learn in a very simple language. I will not lie and say that I understand everything immediately and I just wait until I apply this fresh knowledge in some advanced machine learning project. A typical situation looks more like me spending hours on trying out simple pieces of code and reading about the theory in half of the Internet. Only then, my solution has a chance to work. The good thing, however, is that once I understand it, I can find simple examples and toy-problems to explain the idea to other people! And this is exactly what I am planning to do!

I hope that thanks to my posts, you will be able to understand how modern artificial intelligence works and how it is related to the actual cognitive science. We will start from the basics, because that's where I am at right now, but I'm hoping to reach some more advanced stuff anytime soon!

Thanks for reading!
Also, if you are interested in more artsy stuff coming from me, you can check out my Polish tumblr: There is not so much going over there, but maybe something will change.

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